Monday, January 30, 2012

Easy Lighted Picture

This was so easy to do!! All you need is a stretched canvas, a small string of lights (the one I used only had 20 lights), craft glue and hot glue, a little bit of paint, and some fake flower petals.
First I penciled in where I wanted to paint and arranged some of the flowers to get an idea of how it would look. Then I painted over the pencil with two different colors of acrylic brown paint, though you can't really see the detail here. After the paint dried I used a craft knife to slit the canvas and insert the lights. I started at the bottom right of the canvas and worked my way upwards. Then I hot glued around the lights on the back of the canvas to ensure that they wouldn't slip out, and I used craft glue on the backs of the flowers after I slid them over the individual lights, to ensure that they would not fall off. The whole project only took about 20 minutes. If I had painted more I'm sure it would have taken longer, but this was super easy and fairly cheap. I will be trying this again!

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